
Component-based UI testing

View the Project on GitHub BlackPepperSoftware/relish

Tutorial 2: Create our tests

< Creating the project ^ Tutorial Relish components >

We’re going to create an application that will allow a user to create, read, update and delete tasks. Let’s say this is our first user story:

Story 1: A list of tasks can be managed by the application

As a user

I want to be able to create, read, update and delete tasks

So that I can manage my time

We’ll create a new Cucumber feature file in the src/resources/features/ folder called 0001-can-manage-list-of-tasks.feature

Feature: A list of tasks can be managed by the application
  As a user
  I want to be able to create, read, update and delete tasks
  So that I can manage my time

Now we’ll add our first scenario–a test that checks that when the app is first started, that there are no tasks recorded. When we write the application, we’ll expect the main page to look something like this:


We can write a scenario to check that this is true:

Feature: A list of tasks can be managed by the application
  As a user
  I want to be able to create, read, update and delete tasks
  So that I can manage my time

  Scenario: Initially the list of tasks is empty
    Given I am on the task list
    Then the list of tasks will be empty

This scenario contains two steps:

We’ll need to write methods for each of these in the file that will automate the application for us.

And this is where Relish finally makes an appearance…

< Creating the project ^ Tutorial Relish components >